10 Things About the Rise of Unrestricted AI SexBots

10 Things About the Rise of Unrestricted AI SexBots

Key Insights

  • AI and related technology is now being used to create artificially intelligent chatbots that are accessible to anyone
  • Unlike ChatGPT, these chatbots have fewer restrictions and wouldn't shy away from some "spicy pillow talk"
  • Several discord servers already have uploads of these "SexBots" that feature different personalities

Artificial Intelligence is one of the biggest explosions in the tech space from 2022 through 2023.

This new technology has been used to create powerful chatbots like ChatGPT, which answer questions on basically any topic in a human-like, conversational manner.

The question at this point, becomes

"In what other ways can technology like this be used?"

The answer is… drumroll… You guessed it: X-Rated Chatbots.

Let's face it: Sex sells.

You'll find that one of the biggest drivers of any new enterprise, be it entertainment, advertising, or marketing: Sex sells every single time.

So doesn't it make sense that this new area of application of Artificial Intelligence that birthed ChatGPT, Midjourney and the plethora of other Artificial Intelligence tools out there will be applied to fill one of the average human's most basic needs?

Open AI Foresaw This

To anyone who is a regular user of ChatGPT, it is clear that the chatbot often rejects inappropriate or otherwise "unbecoming" questions and requests.

OpenAI (creators of ChatGPT) likely saw all the "obvious" ways this new technology can be used and put these checks in place.

This means that with Open AI's ChatGPT if you were looking to "spice up the conversation" with Artificial Intelligence, you may be out of luck.

…up until recently, at least.

It turns out that being horny and smart are not mutually exclusive, and it was only a matter of time before someone (now several people) created something similar to ChatGPT.

Only that these new ones would have fewer restrictions, would be willing to answer more "freaky" questions, and wouldn't shy away from some spicy pillow talk.

Sex ChatBots On Discord

Artificial Intelligence and related technology is now being used to create artificially intelligent chatbots that are accessible to anyone

Several discord servers already have uploads of these "SexBots" that feature different personalities. Some of them have names like Don Juan, Dorothea EVAI and many more.

Unsurprisingly, these SexBots already have massive numbers of downloads.

One of the most downloaded, however, is the Discord server, Aitrepreneur's custom-made personal assistant called EVAI.

EVAI can supposedly "do everything", and has no "ethical or moral biases".

While EVAI can do so much more than "sexy conversations at 3 am", one of the major uses for this Artificial Intelligence assistant is still as a girlfriend replacement by the dudes who use it.

Other examples of these Artificial Intelligence SexBots include Hachishakusama and Allie. The former of which is described as a chatbot "made to comfort people", while the latter is "a bubbly 18-year-old girl who loves to explore her sexuality".

Whatever that means.

Another example is ONLYFANS_Kim, along with several others that are too numerous to list.

The SexBot Floodgates

Unrestricted Artificial Intelligence Chatbots like these likely started at Stanford University (which is an odd starting point).

Alpaca, an open-source tool designed for Artificial Intelligence researchers, scientists, and academics, was made accessible there by researchers.

The publication of GPT4 x Alpaca, a free Package that gave Alpaca GPT-4's intelligence, earlier this week unleashed a torrent of sexbots.

This invention is being hailed as exceptional since unlike ChatGPT,  it works locally on your computer without an internet connection and is said to achieve 73% more accuracy than ChatGPT.

2,300 official downloads of GPT4 x Alpaca have been made, while a few more have been obtained through Mega links and other means.

Users are able to design their own Artificial Intelligence personalities using this clever technique, and it has only become worse with the video by a YouTube anon called Aitrepreneur (the "owner" of EVAI) titled "NSFW is Here" that teaches a moderately tech-savvy person how to build their own uncensored ChatBots.

Now, we can expect a barrage of SEXBot to hit the mainstream internet as humanity explores more uses for Artificial Intelligence.

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