Entering the Web3 world can be overwhelming, especially if you've encountered a lot of Web3 jargon without understanding the exact meaning behind the terms.
Did you, for a second, think, you're with the times?
I did.
Till about two minutes and some spent after mass following Twitter accounts that talk about web3, crypto, NFTs, DAOs etcetera.
Like Ned Flanders at Moe's Tavern after Sunday service.
Like a boy scout on his first visit to Hooters.
It all sounded exciting, but I had no idea what any of it meant.
I felt like a complete newbie. Or as they say, n00b. Yep, that's N double zero B, pronounced as "noob", which in turn is shorthand for "newbie".
n00b is still relatively old-time internet message board slang and might make sense to pale-skinned video game & web addicts. But do they have some arcane and culture-specific shorthand in there! And given twitter's character limit, some stuff comes straight up hieroglyphic.
Anyhow. I did some digging and figured out some stuff that'd help me start navigating this space. And overflowing with the milk of human kindness, I am going to share them with you. As they say, noblesse oblige.
Web3 Shorthand – A Beginners Glossary
There. NYK (now you know). I've covered a fair number of the essentials that you'll require to negotiate your way through a minefield of acronyms and get a peek into the walled garden of the web3 community.