Cryptocurrency trading is gaining popularity, owing to cryptocurrency trading being ways simpler to get started with than other forms of digitized financial investments. Like stocks and indices, traders can buy or sell assets on the crypto market.
The only difference is that while stocks and indices often require a broker to stand as middlemen between investors and the market, almost anyone with an internet connection can get started trading cryptocurrencies.
Before jumping into the sometimes turbulent waters of cryptocurrency trading, it is important to be aware of a few things. One of such things is the kinds of cryptocurrency exchanges currently available to choose from.
These cryptocurrency exchange types include
Centralized exchanges are the most common types of cryptocurrency exchanges. They are cryptocurrency exchanges in which a central body is in control. In centralized exchanges, every single order/trade is properly recorded and cataloged to ensure the security of the user's assets. Here are a few take-away points about centralized exchanges
Decentralized exchanges are blockchain-based services that are truly decentralized, as their name suggests. This means that there is no central body overseeing the platform. This allows for greater freedom over one's finances.
Here are a few pointers as to what decentralized exchanges are.
Decentralized exchanges, having many advantages also have major disadvantages worth mentioning. Some downsides to decentralized exchanges include
What Are Hybrid Exchanges (HEX)
Hybrid exchanges as their name suggest, are exchanges that take advantage of the advantages of decentralized and centralized exchanges while avoiding some of their drawbacks.